"Re-Imagining One Street at a Time"
Click HERE to download a PDF version of the OCCO By Laws.
Click HERE to view the DRAFT 2024 Bylaws
Click HERE to view the DRAFT 2024 Bylaws Table of Changes
Section 1 - The name of the organization shall be Oakland City Community Organization, Inc. and referred to as OCCO.
Section 1 - The Organization’s principal office and location shall be designated at the discretion of the President.
Section 1 - OCCO defines Oakland City using the areas and boundaries identified by the City of Atlanta, Office of Bureau of Planning and Development. A map and verbal description are appended to these By-Laws.
Section 1 - the purpose of the Organization is to provide an organized framework to Promote, preserve, and enhance the quality of life and values in the neighborhood by: (a) extending education about neighborhood opportunities to residents, landowners, entrepreneurs, and other interested parties through community affairs and local topics of interest; (b) elevating and promoting the image of the neighborhood by creating a safe living environment; (c) Encouraging the residents to become involved in community affairs and having an Effective unified voice to address issues that impact the neighborhood, promoting a sense of pride and identity among residents; (d) conducting social activities that create a greater sense of neighborhood pride; (e) enhancing property values; (f) establishing a direct line of communication with members of the City of Atlanta and other agencies; (g) advising on available funding, loans, and programs designated for the betterment and improvement of older neighborhoods; (h) establish relationships with other neighborhood associations and coalitions, (i) familiarizing residents, landowners and interested parties about the organization and its purposes, and providing a forum for the airing of grievances.
Section 1 - The OCCO shall be organized and operated as non-profit, non-partisan organization. No part of any organization net income shall be payable to any member.
Section 2 - No member shall use OCCO name, website, letterhead, or blog without prior approval in writing from the membership.
Section 3 - The organization does not have nor shall exercise any authority either expressly, by interpretation, or by operation of law, nor shall it directly or indirectly engage in any activity that would prevent qualifying as a corporation described in Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section 4 - No commitment either directly or indirectly of OCCO's position without approval of the president and executive board.
Section 5 - All binding contracts that will commit the organization legally must be approved by the majority (50% or more) of the membership and signed by the president and two members of the executive board.
Section 6 - No member shall use or incorporate the organization's name with any other partisian entity
Section 1- General membership shall be open to all interested persons who meet the eligibility criteria of this Article as listed below. A member may be asked for proof of eligibility at the time of registration. In order to vote a member must be in good standing, which is to say he/she must have paid all assessed dues and have attended three (3) general meetings in the last twelve months. Any dues paying resident (18 years old or older), property owner, tenant, or nonresident property owner in the area of OCCO, within the areas/boundaries of Oakland City, (defined in Article 3, Section 1 - Areas/Boundaries), shall be eligible for membership. Members shall have the privilege of voting, holding office, serving on committees, and speaking on the floor at membership meetings. There is no limit to the number of members. No person shall be denied general membership in the organization because of consideration of race, religious belief, color, gender, sexual preference, natural origin, economic status or disability. General membership is not transferable or assigned. General membership is automatically terminated when a person no longer meets eligibility requirements. (a) The president may cancel, by majority vote, the membership of any member whose conduct is deemed prejudicial to the objectives, welfare, or character of the organization, including any member of the organization, provided notice of such alleged misconduct shall first be mailed to said member at least ten (10) days prior to the monthly meeting of the organization at which said misconduct is to be considered. The member may appear in person to challenge the proposed action of the organization.
Section 2 - Annual dues for membership shall be $20.00 per year for residents and $50.00 per year for non-residents. Dues shall be paid by the beginning of the term for the upcoming calendar year.
Section 1 – The fiscal year is the calendar year unless otherwise identified by the organization. (a) Any committee chair requesting monies for an event from the organization is required to submit a report and budget in writing. (b) Exchange of funds will only be done through committee chair and treasurer. A receipt will be given to the chair by the treasurer. Each committee chair present all revenues/monies collected from said committee to the treasurer. ( c) The organization may engage in fund-raising activities related to purposes of the Oakland City Neighborhood as set by the Executive Board. (d) The President and any member may accept, on behalf of the organization any contributions, gifts bequest or device for the organization. ARTICLE VIII – GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS Section 1 – The meeting shall be held on the second Saturday of each month, beginning in January, except when otherwise determined by the president and executive board. (a) The executive board meeting shall be established by the executive board members and shall be held on a monthly basis one (1) week prior to the regular scheduled community meeting.
Section 2 – Quorum – A quorum for the transaction of business shall constitute fifty (50%) of paid members present.
Section 3 - Voting – All members present and in good standing are entitled to vote; no member may vote by proxy or cumulatively. Dissolution of the organization shall require a two-third (2/3) vote of the members present.
Section 4 - Minutes – All minutes of meetings will be kept and available upon request.
Section 1 – At the annual membership meetings, the paid members shall elect from the membership the Executive Board which shall consist of the following: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer who shall hold office for one(1) year. These officers shall take office January 1st of the current year, for the succeeding year for a term of one (1) year; and shall serve without pay.
Section 2 – President – shall be a member ex-officio of all committees. He/she shall be considered “President” of the organization for the sole purpose of carrying out the duties of signatory agent and may execute documents on behalf of the organization under that title. The President shall be entitled to vote on all matters before the Board in the same manner as any other delegate to those bodies. The President shall perform all duties usually incident to that office and such other duties as the Board may prescribe.
Section 3 - Vice President - shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be specified in these By-Laws or in the event of absence or disability of the President, the Vice-President shall succeed to his/her power and duties.
Section 4 - Secretary – shall be secretary of the meetings, and shall record all proceedings of the meetings in the appropriate Minute Book of the organization. He/she shall give proper notifications of the meetings to officers. He/she shall sign and execute such documents as may be necessary to the transaction of business by the organization. He/she shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the President or the Executive Board.
Section 5 - Treasurer – shall have charge of all organization funds and bank accounts. Keep accurate accounts of all expenditures of the organization in permanent books belonging to the organization; and shall render to the president, the executive board and the general membership an account of the financial condition of the organization. Shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the president or executive board. He/she shall be responsible for supervising the receipts, deposits and disbursements of all funds of the organization in accordance with the policies established by the By-Laws. The treasurer shall render a written monthly report of all transactions to all members present at each monthly meeting. The treasurer or secretary shall be a signatory along with the president of all disbursement checks; and shall be responsible for preparing the organization's Annual Budget.
Section 6 - In the event of a vacancy in any office, the executive board shall fill such vacancy from its general membership.
Section 7 - The executive board shall make an annual report to the annual membership meeting.
Section 8– No officers shall be eligible for or be elected to a second consecutive term to the same office unless voted on by the membership.
Section 9 - Meetings of the executive board, other than the annual meeting, may be called at any time by the president or at the request by the secretary a notice in writing or by telephone to each board member, at lease five (5) days before such meeting.
Section 10 - Each officer shall deliver to his or her successor within fifteen (15) days after retiring from office, all records, papers and other property belonging to the organization.
Section 11 - The executive board members shall not miss more than two (2) meetings per calendar year. If such absence is warranted the president should be notified within 24 to 48 hours.
Section 1-The executive board may appoint by resolution such other committees and delegate to these committees such powers and responsibilities as it may from time to time deem appropriate. Any member of the organization is eligible to serve on and participate in these committees. All actions taken by a committee shall be forwarded to the executive board which shall have the right to alter, accept, or reject these actions. At the time that a committee is formed, the executive board will identify the committee as either standing or temporary and shall identify the major purpose, term and tasks of that committee in writing. The executive board and the finance committee shall be standing committees. The current committees are as follows: a) Economic Development b) Garden c) Crime & Safety d) Fort McPherson e) Fundraising f) Beautification/Historic Preservation g) Communication (holds any form media) Section 2-Each committee will have a Vice President chair.
Section 1- The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all cases in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules adopted by the organization. A quorum at Executive Board meetings shall be a majority of Executive Committee members. A quorum at a general organization meeting shall be at least 25% of the voting membership.
Section 1 – These By-Laws may be amended by the members of the organization as follows: (a) Executive board may propose an amendment to the by-laws by resolution setting forth the proposes amendment and directing that it be submitted for adoption at a meeting of members; or (b) Any five (5) members may set forth a proposed amendment by petition by them subscribed, which petition shall be filed with the Secretary of the organization. Notice of the meeting of the members stating the purpose including the proposed amendment shall be given to each member entitled to vote on the proposed amendment, and to each officer regardless of his/her voting rights. Notice of 14 days shall be given prior to vote on the proposed amendment. If notice required by this clause has been given and quorum present, the proposed amendment may be adopted at any meeting of the members by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting.
Section 2 - Amendments by the Executive Board The By-Laws may be amended by the Executive Board as follows: (a) The members of the organization may, by a majority vote of the members voting at a meeting duly called for the purpose, authorize the executive board, subject to clause ( c), to exercise from time to time, the power of amendment of these By- Laws in the manner prescribed in clause ( c). (b) When the members have authorized the executive board under clause (a) to amend these By-Laws, the Board of Directors, by a two-third (2/3) vote of the Directors who are present and entitled to vote on the proposed amendment, may amend the By-Laws at any meeting of the Board. Notice of the meeting and of the proposed amendment shall be given 14 days in advance of such meeting. (c) The members, by a majority vote of the members present and voting at a meeting duly called for the purpose, may prospectively revoke the authority of the Board To exercise the power of the members to amend these By-Laws. The By-Laws adopted by the general membership on February 19, 2000.
Any person other than standing committees who desire to give a presentation before the general body will be required to submit a request (via email or telephone) no later than a week prior to schedule monthly meeting.
The organization, acting through its Executive Board, or as otherwise provided in these ByLaws, shall as fully as may be permitted from time to time by the statues and decisional law of the State of Georgia or by any other applicable rules or principles of law, indemnify each officer of the organization against the expense of any action to which he/she was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party thereof by reason of the fact that he/she is or was an officer of the organization. Any provision in these By-Laws which would prevent such indemnification to the full extent permitted by law, as it may from time to time be expanded by statue, decision of court or otherwise, shall be deemed amended to conform to such expanded right of indemnification without formal action by the Executive Board.
Section 1 - There will be corporate seal.
Section 2 - Books and Records The Executive Committee shall keep or cause to be kept complete books of account and minutes of meeting of the Board of all committees, including a current copy of the By-Laws, and such additional records and books of account as the Board deems necessary for the conduct of the activities of the organization. A chronicle of all media publications relating to the OCCO and any items that may be historical value shall also be maintained. The records shall be kept in the principal home of the president and the secretary.
Section 3 - Fiscal Year The fiscal year for the organization shall be from January to December.
Section 4 - Principal Office The principal office of the organization shall be located within Oakland City.
Section 1 - The organization may be dissolved in the same manner as the procedure outlined in Article XIII, provided that the disbursement of all moneys and properties be acted upon prior to dissolution, and in accordance with the requirements of the Articles of Incorporation and Georgia Non-profit Corporation Act then in existence.
No person shall be discriminated against by this organization in its hiring policies, delivery of services, or other business on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, affectionate preference, disability, age, marital status, and source of income, or criminal record where the offense is not validly related to the job, services or organization business. Affirmative action is not mere passive non-discrimination. It is action including procedures, methods and parties which will equalize opportunities relating to all means of participation in this organization's activities for members, staff and other community residents. The organization encourages people and other organizations to make recommendations about how this organization can act affirmatively to increase participation in the activities of the organization.
Any complaints against OCCO, or any of its activities, shall be made in writing and directed to a meeting of the Executive Committee, which shall respond in writing within five (5) business days of their meeting.
Approved by the membership on October 12, 2013 as Witnessed by Duedishar Jenkins, President and Lela Randle, Secretary.
The OCCO defines Oakland City using the boundaries recognized by the city of Atlanta. Commencing from the northwest at the intersection of Westmont Avenue and Beecher Streets, the northern border follows Beecher Street eastward to Donnelly Avenue, Donnelly Avenue eastward to Lawton Street; Lawton Street northward to the railroad right-of-way; it follows this right-of-way southeastward to a point beyond Allene Street where this right of way junctures with the railroad.
The border follows this byline westward to Sylvan Road, southward to Avon Avenue, Avon Avenue westward to Murphy Avenue; Murphy Avenue southward to Ingram; Ingram westward to Ryan Street; Ryan northward to Epworth Street northward to Avon Avenue, Avon westward to Westmont Avenue and Westmont Avenue northward to the northwest starting point at the corner of Westmont Avenue and Beecher Streets.